Barrett Desktop


The world leader in long-range, large-calibre manufacturing

Govt Sales Desktop

NIOA Australia Government

Delivering the latest combat capability to the Australian warfighter

Sporintg Desktop Darkened

NIOA Australia Sporting and Outdoor

Serving the Australian rural, sporting and hunting communities

RNM Desktop

Rheinmetall NIOA Munitions

Developing military manufacturing excellence

NZ Desktop

NIOA New Zealand

Supplying the NZDF, law enforcement agencies and sporting customers

Ben Desktop

NIOA Benalla

Producing key munitions for the Australian Defence Force

AMC Desktop

Australian Missile Corporation

Preparing for a new era of defence capability

Barrett Mobile


The world leader in long-range, large-calibre manufacturing

Govt Sales Mobile

NIOA Australia Government

Delivering the latest combat capability to the Australian warfighter

Sporintg Mobile Darkened

NIOA Australia Sporting and Outdoor

Serving the Australian rural, sporting and hunting communities

RNM Mobile

Rheinmetall NIOA Munitions

Developing military manufacturing excellence

NZ Mobile

NIOA New Zealand

Supplying the NZDF, law enforcement agencies and sporting customers

Ben Mobile

NIOA Benalla

Producing key munitions for the Australian Defence Force

AMC Mobile

Australian Missile Corporation

Preparing for a new era of defence capability


NIOA is a privately-owned global munitions company. Established in Queensland, Australia in 1973, today the NIOA Group has strategic locations around the world. We are dedicated to the best practice supply and manufacture of firearms, weapons and munitions to Australian and allied nation defence forces, law enforcement agencies and commercial markets.


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